What is a benefit of using Advanced Currencies?
Answer : Advanced currency management allows you to manage dated exchange rates within opportunities using Salesforce. Dated exchange rates allow you to map a conversion rate to a specific date range. Dated exchange rates are defined using a start date and a conversionrate. Each rate is in effect until either the end of time or the day before the next start date for that currency.
What is the Translation Workbench?
Answer : 1. Specify languages you want to translate 2. Assign translators to languages 3. Create translations for customizations youve made toyour Salesforce organization 4. Override labels and translations from managed packages. Everything from custom picklist values to custom fields can be translated so your global users can use all of Salesforce in their language.
What are the main challenges that marketing faces when trying toalign with sales? (Select all that apply)
Answer : A,C
Who is most interested in ease of use, value, and time-saving solutions?
Answer : A