Magento M70-201 - Magento Certified Developer Plus Exam

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Total 131 questions

With which three kinds of product relations do Magento Catalog Target Rules deal? (Choose three)

  • A. The relations between a configurable product and its child products
  • B. The relations between a bundle product and its child products
  • C. The relations among products linked as cross-sell products
  • D. The relations between a product and its custom options
  • E. The relations among products linked as related products
  • F. The relations among products linked as upsell products

Answer : CEF

When setData (' some', 'value') is called on an EAV entity and the entity is saved to the database,

  • A. The 'value' of the attribute named 'some' is saved in the eav_values table
  • B. The 'value' of the attribute named ' some' is saved in one of the entity's tables depending on its datatype (for example, entityname_varchar)
  • C. The data will be stored in the EAV registry making ' some' 'value' available to the entity
  • D. The 'value' of the attribute named T some' is saved in the eav attribute values table

Answer : B

A custom frontend controller will extend which one of the following classes?

  • A. Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action
  • B. Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
  • C. Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Front
  • D. Mage_Core_Controller_Abstract

Answer : A

Which one of the following xpaths is correct for replacing Mage_Customer_Model_Custom_Address via Mage::helper ('customer/address')?

  • A. Global/customer/helpers/address
  • B. Global/rewrite/helpers/rewrite/address
  • C. Global/helpers/customer/rewrite/address
  • D. Global/helpers/rewrite/customer_address
  • E. Global/helpers/rewrite/customer/address

Answer : C

Which three of the following object types will have a parent class found in the Mage_Eav module for the purposes of EAV data storage in Magento? (Choose three)

  • A. Data model
  • B. Data helper
  • C. Resource model
  • D. Resource collection
  • E. Setup class

Answer : CDE

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Total 131 questions