IBM C2070-588 - IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture V8.1 Solution Design Exam

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Total 124 questions

A pharmaceutical company has faxed documents and some of the documents have the content skewed. What method is used to de-skew the content on the faxed documents using the IBM Datacap Taskmaster system?

  • A. Use the action Rotate Image.
  • B. Cannot de-skew because of fax line present at beginning of image.
  • C. Using image enhancement actions, de-skew the contents of the image.
  • D. Redact the fax line and then use image enhancement action, de-skew the contents of the image.

Answer : D

A developer has placed the following code on a field named DateValue which is a child of a page:

Which of the following input>>>output values would NOT be expected?

  • A. Default>>>2000/01/01
  • B. 2013/02/34>>>2014/01/01
  • C. NULL Value>>>2014/01/01
  • D. October 20, 2013>>>2013/10/20

Answer : A

A company is experiencing some batch aborts that have been traced to recognition failure in the OCR engine. What is the recommendation to alleviate this?

  • A. Use managed recognition.
  • B. Switch to another engine that will sacrifice accuracy for stability.
  • C. Check to make sure that the input images are oriented correctly.
  • D. Check the image file sizes. OCR will not work on images bigger than 82.3K. A lower resolution will be required.

Answer : A

What is the name of the utility that is used for batch maintenance?

  • A. NENU Profile
  • B. Datacap Studio
  • C. NENU Manager
  • D. Application Manager

Answer : C

Which of the following is NOT an "out of the box" export target for IBM Datacap
Taskmaster Capture?

  • A. Microsoft SharePoint
  • B. Microsoft SQL Database
  • C. Open Text Cloud Storage
  • D. IBM Content Manager (CM8)

Answer : C

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Total 124 questions